Our Services

With a pool of readily-available young professionals and security experts, MISG provides the following core services:

We guard and protect

MISG has highly trained security guards to ensure that Client’s business interests are protected from all perceivable threats. Our guards have undergone a rigorous selection and training process way beyond the industry standards. They are proficient and well-motivated because they are paid adequately with commensurate social and health benefits.

We also offer specialist executive protection (bodyguards) for Client with high-level security requirements.

We investigate, assess and respond

We do in-depth case build up as a pro-active intelligence measure. Corporate and business crimes are becoming highly credible risks in the country nowadays. More often than not, business losses and security threats come from within the company, thus eventually draining Client assets and resources. To avoid these risks, MISG has specialist personnel who can conduct various types of investigation, carry out threat assessments and security surveys, and respond to crisis situation. We can prevent losses, assess risks and respond to crisis situations at short notice.

We train, advice and manage

Education and informed decision-making contribute tremendously to business success. Aside from in-house training for security guards and private detectives, Clients can also avail of MISG’s expertise in terms of training their employees in various aspects of security and loss prevention. We also advise and help top-level management on how to handle and solve corporate problems, labor-management conflicts, emergency and crisis situations, reputational issues, and other security matters.